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The Working Families' Candidate

Eliseo is a political outsider, apprentice of Jesus, husband, small business owner, Latino community leader, advocate for working families, volunteer English teacher, brother, friend and the future of Arapahoe County.

He is not a part of the established status quo. As the face of progress, he is a new candidate for a better way of doing things. A graduate of Fort Hays State University with a degree in Philosophy as well as a minor in Political Science, he doesn’t have decades of political experience and has never run or held public office, and that’s a good thing! Eliseo brings a fresh perspective and represents working families.

Arapahoe County does NOT need another politician!

Arapahoe County deserves a leader who will do what is right by speaking truth to power, and isn’t about to let working families be forgotten by the powerful.

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Committee to Elect Eliseo Gonzalez
Registered Agent: Jacob Luria 
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